January 2021 Book of the Month

“Quantum Leap”

Author – Rainie York

Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist

Quantum Leap by Rainie York

Quantum Leap by Rainie York

The word “quantum” should give you an inkling of what this book is about. The author, Rainie York, is well tuned into Reiki, ancient belief systems and quantum physics, especially where quantum science discoveries overlap with metaphysical belief in relation to the power of the mind. She quotes Albert Einstein and his believing that everything is energy. The science explains that energy is everywhere and in everything and that people can consciously access it and use it. In the beginning of the book, in the author’s notes, she quotes Einstein: “Everything is energy. That’s all there is to it. Match the reality of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get it. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

The magic of this novel is that York’s main character is Rebecca Jean, a 15-year-old girl who has her desires and thoughts coming from her imaginary friend, Laney. In each chapter, Rebecca floats from one circumstance to another, believing so much in what she is thinking that she has become obsessed with her ideas and outcomes.

This novel is 461 pages of wild ideas and how a young woman’s frustrations are met with fright at her power, happiness at what she can control, and worried that she has gone too far with her madness.

There are many chapters that have Rebecca acting as a normal high school girl,  doing all the silly things, but often ends up in difficult situations. What I found so intriguing is that the author uses her practice of personal energy work such as TM (transcendental meditation), and Reiki, a Japanese healing system, to get through difficult problems.

Rebecca loved to write and as she went through her classes, she encountered issues that made her feel that actions in the stories were coming from her but not actually by her. This frightened her and she wondered whether she had gone too far and couldn’t stop. She loved the idea that she could get the boy, Jackson, to want to be with her, although he was distant at times. She spent a lot of time in the book, weaving in and out of that potential romance.

Quantum Leap was easy reading and provided a lot of fantasy, as I am sure our readers will enjoy. Find a quiet spot and turn off the TV and enjoy what could be!

“We get to choose what we believe,” York says “paying attention to our thoughts and belief systems can lead us in amazing directions.”

About the author:
Rainie York was born and reared in Northern California. She has a BS from the University of San Francisco and is a Reiki Master and Reiki teacher and a Life Coach. Rainie is fascinated by esoteric information, ancient belief systems and quantum physics, especially when quantum science discoveries overlap with metaphysical belief in relation to the power of mind. She is passionate about personal empowerment for woman, writing and energy healing. She now lives in the state of Washington with her husband and her cats. (To learn more about the book go to: https://rainieyorkauthor.com).

(To purchase QUANTUM LEAP, go to Amazon.com.)